Our Story

Aarhus Soup started in late 2020 with a group of friends inspired by Detroit Soup. Since the beginning, we wanted to create a space where local ideas found support from the beginning. With Soup, we help neighbours to invest in their neighbours by preparing delicious dinners where deep listening and true care is cool and co-creative.

Aarhus Soup was co-founded by C-Cube and Passion Udflugt. Currently, Aarhus Soup is led by C-Cube (Creative Connections Collective).

C-Cube is a creative civil association focused on incubating grassroots projects into professional ventures. C-Cube was founded in 2019, and has since created training programs, media content, new platforms and networks in Denmark and abroad.

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Our Mission

Aarhus Soup is a growing space for local ideators to share their passion, ask for help, and connect with other curious neighbours. We believe in the power of project-making to create hope, inclusion, new identities, and more caring communities.

Soup after soup, we learn from all the people who trust our dinners, while staying open to new local and international groups interested in making their own Soups.

Group of friends making electronic musicPerson with a bulb above the head with an idea

This is our People Power!

Get to know our amazing team.