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Aarhus Soup Dinner

Join Soup Dinner and become a Souporter!

During the event we will present a short promo videos about each project idea. After that all the pitchers will present their ideas is 4 minutes. Meanwhile wewill serve a delicious food and a healthy portion of democracy.

Pitcher holding banner says "How are you?"


During our dinners, 4 project makers present their ideas individually in 4 minutes each. We prepare all our project-makers to give their best presentation.

Bowl of soup

Delicious Food

Our “souporters”, who come to have dinner with us, pay either 50dk or 70dk to get tasty soup, sweet dessert and a vote.

Group of people in the room voting with raised hands


By the end of the presentations, all soup supporters vote, and the project with the most votes takes all the money we gathered on the day.

to top button
After Dinner

There is more to offer to our Pitchers!

Once you pitch at a Soup dinner, we can help you to continue growing! Besides the money gathered, we are going to record a podcast episode about your idea and design a crowdfunding campaign to support you even more!

group of people listen to a pitcher


We will record a podcast episode about the project idea.

Crowdfunding campaign link


We co-design and launch crowdfunding campaigns with our project-makers.

Have you come to a dinner already?

We are curious to know more about your experience.
5 minutes of your time can help us make better Soups!